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Copyright Information - Use of Images

This is a clarification of the legal information pertinent to the use of images in the blog articles published on this website.


Any claims related to copyright issues arising from this website will be adjudicated under the laws of England and Wales.


According to sections 29 and 30 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, the doctrine of fair dealing applies to cases where images (and other forms of media) can be lawfully used and reproduced without the express and prior permission of the owners of the images, provided that such utilisation falls into a category of the designated uses stipulated in the statute. Examples of designated uses include private study, education, research, commentary and critique.


This website aims to facilitate commentary, critique and propagation of academic medicine. It serves as a platform for intellectual exploration and the stimulation of insightful discussion. Any use of media on this platform serves the aims mentioned afore. Any use otherwise is unintentional and the author of the website should be contacted prior for negotiation if such circumstances, albeit highly unlikely, arise.


The author of the website strives to adhere to the guidelines laid down by the Society of Authors.


Copyright Details - Use of Images: About

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